Additional Setup
Saving player stats:
To save player statistics you'll need to set stats.saving to "true".
Then you'll need to select a way of saving those statistics. The solutions are:
A MongoDB Database - Server will save player data in an external MongoDB Database - Set:
- stats.type to "mongo"
- stats.ip to database's IP
- stats.port to database's port
- stats.db to the collection (made specifically for Spectrum Survival) in the Database
- stats.pass to the password set in the database.
A SQLite Database - Server will save player data in a .db file - Set:
- stats.type to "sqlite"
- stats.db to a filename (like "players.db", the file doesn't need to exist, the server should create it by itself)
- stats.ip, stats.port and stats.pass to "null".
A Directory - Server will save player data in a directory in the server's root directory - Set:
- stats.type to "dir"
- stats.db to a directory name (like "players", the directory doesn't need to exist, the server should create it by itself)
- stats.ip, stats.port, stats.pass to "null".