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Additional Setup

Saving player stats:

To save player statistics you'll need to set stats.saving to "true".

Then you'll need to select a way of saving those statistics. The solutions are:

  1. A MongoDB Database - Server will save player data in an external MongoDB Database - Set:

    1. stats.type to "mongo"
    2. stats.ip to database's IP
    3. stats.port to database's port
    4. stats.db to the collection (made specifically for Spectrum Survival) in the Database
    5. stats.pass to the password set in the database.
  2. A SQLite Database - Server will save player data in a .db file - Set:

    1. stats.type to "sqlite"
    2. stats.db to a filename (like "players.db", the file doesn't need to exist, the server should create it by itself)
    3. stats.ip, stats.port and stats.pass to "null".
  3. A Directory - Server will save player data in a directory in the server's root directory - Set:

    1. stats.type to "dir"
    2. stats.db to a directory name (like "players", the directory doesn't need to exist, the server should create it by itself)
    3. stats.ip, stats.port, stats.pass to "null".